Wallpaper Wednesday: Scallops 3

Hi there! Can you believe it’s August? Already?!?

In all honesty, we’ve been in lockdown/MCO/FMCO/Phase 1/call-it-what-you-want-a-lockdown-by-any-other-name-feels-just-as-stifling for so long now, it feels like Groundhog Day. One sunrise is no different from the next, and the only reason I’m still able to keep track of the days is my son’s e-learning schedule, and the laundry schedule.


But hey - a new month means new wallpaper! At least there’s a little something to brighten up your day, no?

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

I’m still in the mood for geometric patterns with a bit of an Art Deco vibe. There’s something about these scallop patterns that I find so pleasing… maybe it’s because they’re an iteration of the basic circle, and my default doodling shape is circles? I dunno, I just like these types of patterns, for some reason.

And I hope you do, too!


As always, these are for personal use only.

Scallops 3

Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar 

Wallpaper Wednesday: Scallops 2

It’s time for new wallpaper! 😄

This month, I chose one of my favourites from a collection of geometric patterns I designed a few weeks ago. I’d just finished a Skillshare tutorial on creating geometric patterns on Procreate and boy, was I hooked! Designing geometric patterns can be addictive - playing with shapes and different permuations, different colour combinations - I was creating one pattern after another for days on end until it got a bit too much… random patterns were popping up in my mind’s eye as I drifted off to sleep, or first thing in the morning, and even in the shower!

Scallops 2. Check out the texture on this!

Scallops 2. Check out the texture on this!

This particular pattern has a bit of an Art Deco/1950’s hybrid feel to it, in my personal opinion. The motif in this pattern is one commonly found in many Art Deco or Art Deco-inspired patterns, and in my case it was totally unintentional. I was just playing around with circles; cropping, flipping, and arranging them in a tile. The colour palette, however, is what gives it its ‘50s/’60s vibe, and that was intentional - if not fully, then at least at a subconscious level. At the time I started getting into geometric patterns, I’d just finished binge-watching The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix (late to the party as always).

I was transfixed.

Apart from the brilliant storyline and performance by the cast, I simply loved the aesthetic. The fashion of that era - the silhouettes, the hairstyles, the colour palette… and the patterns. Glorious, beautiful geometric patterns everywhere. The wallpaper, the textiles, the upholstery - everything. It was a feast for the eyes and I absolutely loved it.

Huh. Thinking back, maybe I started creating geometric patterns because of The Queen’s Gambit. It inspired me to search for geometric pattern tutorials instead of kindling a love for chess 🤓.

In any case, I hope you like this month’s freebie wallpaper. I had a lot of fun creating it, and I think it’ll give your devices a nice retro vibe.


*As always, these are for personal use only.

Scallops 2

Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar 

Wallpaper Wednesday: Strings

There is a restaurant nearby that we used to frequent pretty regularly, even before we moved to the neighbourhood. In fact, we’d been going there for more than eleven years (with a bit of a hiatus in the middle, when we were out of the country). It was a small and cozy little place, with warm lighting and orange-upholstered booths that could comfortably seat a group of four (or up to six, if we all squish in).

The staff were friendly, and always greeted us with a smile. They used to tease the kiddo, and occasionally he would get a complimentary ice cream, much to his delight.

They had a pizza station at the back, which was the kiddo’s favourite spot; he enjoyed watching the uncle make pizzas, and afterwards he would pretend, using his hankie and imaginary toppings, to make his own. Their food was good and never disappointed. I rarely strayed from my usual choices (the black pepper beef udon, ginger beef kuey teow, or Indonesian fried rice), but on those times when I felt like trying other items on the menu, they were usually just as tasty. When my sweet tooth called out for attention, I would have their hot banana pancakes, which were more crepes than pancakes, but sinfully delicious either way.

We were there for dinner back in January 2019 2020. The booths were all occupied so we sat at a table at the back, near the cashier. As we were having dinner, I spotted what looked like a rack, or a piece of furniture, which had twine zigzagging across it, held taut by upholstery tacks. I was doing the #30DayChallenge then, and used that as inspiration for my pattern the next day. I named the pattern simply, “Strings”.

The restaurant is still there, but it’s been recently revamped. They’ve refurbished the place, changed the menu, and changed their name. The orange booths have been replaced, and they’ve done up the place in sophisticated shades of grey (if memory serves me right). We’ve been there once since they reopened, and they’ve changed their staff, too. Despite the menu change, their food is still delicious. We’ll probably eat there again some day, but it won’t be the same. It no longer has that neighbourhood cafe ambience that made it so cozy. And it no longer has hot banana pancakes.

But I guess I still have this pattern :-)

And I’ve decided to make it available to you as this month’s freebie.

Strings_All Devices_1200px.jpg
Strings_iPad trio_1200px.jpg
Strings_iPhone trio_1200px.jpg

That dinner last year was perhaps the last time we were there before Covid turned our lives upside down, and before the refurbishment. Although the pattern itself looks nothing like the place or even the rack that inspired it, it will always remind me of orange booths, a pizza station, and hot banana pancakes.

I hope you like this month’s freebie. It may not remind you of a beloved haunt, but I hope it brightens up your day in some other way.

Enjoy! :-)

*As always, these are for personal use only.


Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar