Wallpaper Wednesday: Scallops 3

Hi there! Can you believe it’s August? Already?!?

In all honesty, we’ve been in lockdown/MCO/FMCO/Phase 1/call-it-what-you-want-a-lockdown-by-any-other-name-feels-just-as-stifling for so long now, it feels like Groundhog Day. One sunrise is no different from the next, and the only reason I’m still able to keep track of the days is my son’s e-learning schedule, and the laundry schedule.


But hey - a new month means new wallpaper! At least there’s a little something to brighten up your day, no?

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

Scallops 3 wallpaper

I’m still in the mood for geometric patterns with a bit of an Art Deco vibe. There’s something about these scallop patterns that I find so pleasing… maybe it’s because they’re an iteration of the basic circle, and my default doodling shape is circles? I dunno, I just like these types of patterns, for some reason.

And I hope you do, too!


As always, these are for personal use only.

Scallops 3

Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar 

Wallpaper Wednesday: Scallops 2

It’s time for new wallpaper! 😄

This month, I chose one of my favourites from a collection of geometric patterns I designed a few weeks ago. I’d just finished a Skillshare tutorial on creating geometric patterns on Procreate and boy, was I hooked! Designing geometric patterns can be addictive - playing with shapes and different permuations, different colour combinations - I was creating one pattern after another for days on end until it got a bit too much… random patterns were popping up in my mind’s eye as I drifted off to sleep, or first thing in the morning, and even in the shower!

Scallops 2. Check out the texture on this!

Scallops 2. Check out the texture on this!

This particular pattern has a bit of an Art Deco/1950’s hybrid feel to it, in my personal opinion. The motif in this pattern is one commonly found in many Art Deco or Art Deco-inspired patterns, and in my case it was totally unintentional. I was just playing around with circles; cropping, flipping, and arranging them in a tile. The colour palette, however, is what gives it its ‘50s/’60s vibe, and that was intentional - if not fully, then at least at a subconscious level. At the time I started getting into geometric patterns, I’d just finished binge-watching The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix (late to the party as always).

I was transfixed.

Apart from the brilliant storyline and performance by the cast, I simply loved the aesthetic. The fashion of that era - the silhouettes, the hairstyles, the colour palette… and the patterns. Glorious, beautiful geometric patterns everywhere. The wallpaper, the textiles, the upholstery - everything. It was a feast for the eyes and I absolutely loved it.

Huh. Thinking back, maybe I started creating geometric patterns because of The Queen’s Gambit. It inspired me to search for geometric pattern tutorials instead of kindling a love for chess 🤓.

In any case, I hope you like this month’s freebie wallpaper. I had a lot of fun creating it, and I think it’ll give your devices a nice retro vibe.


*As always, these are for personal use only.

Scallops 2

Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar 

Wallpaper Wednesday: Dokoh

Hi there! Hope you’re staying safe. If you’re fasting, I hope you’ve had a blessed Ramadhan so far. We have about a week to go, and I suppose some of you have started making MCO Raya preparations. All the best!

I wanted to make this month’s wallpaper Raya-appropriate, without resorting to the typical images of ketupat, pelita, or moonlit skies. Don’t get me wrong - I have absolutely nothing against a bunch of ketupat hanging in the upper corner of a poster, or glowing oil lamps set against a dark, moonlit sky; I just didn’t feel like creating a pattern using those motifs.

And yes, I go through moods. Sometimes I feel like playing with watercolours. I love going through my paints and picking them out, experimenting with different brushes, and just watching the colours mix together on paper. I appreciate giving up control over the way the paints move, and letting them do their own thing. In some cases, I add details and highlights in India ink, or white acrylic ink, and when I’m feeling blingy, I add metallic gold ink details.

I even enjoy the steps after I’m done painting, ie scanning, cleaning up, and editing the artwork in Photoshop. There is a part of me that finds certain repetitive and/or operational tasks almost therapeutic. If I had to choose a household chore to do, it would be ironing. I could zone out while listening to a podcast or an audiobook. Similarly with editing digital scans of my artwork, I would zone out while zooming right into all the details, isolating the paper background, and tweaking the contrast and saturation to just the right level, with something playing in the background. And maybe a sweet smelling candle burning.

Sometimes I still feel like creating pattern motifs on paper, but I want to use Illustrator instead of Photoshop in the editing and pattern making steps. So then I wouldn’t paint, but I’d sketch (to the best of my ability) or doodle in ink. I’d choose colour palettes from images I see in magazines or things around me, import them into Illustrator, and click click Pen Tool Blob Brush Space Bar Command, I’m in the zone.

And then there are times when I just want to do it all digitally. No paint, no paper, no brush pen pencil nothing. Just my Procreate and me, doodling away with a tap tap erase and pinch pinch zoom.

By the way, I have a four-and-a-half-year old toddler who spends every waking hour talk talk talking, plus our neighbours are undertaking a massive renovation on their home, and it’s been seven months (so far) of wrecking knocking piling hammering drilling…. so if you notice a certain pattern in my writing, I hope you’ll understand why.

So anyways, back to Procreate and digital art - this month’s pattern is precisely that; one which I created and edited on my iPad, using watercolour “brushes” which mimic the real thing. I was inspired by the dokoh - the traditional accessory worn with the kebaya or baju kurung. They’re usually worn in sets of twos or threes, and can usually be worn either as brooches or a necklace. It is equally as stunning when worn alone, as some do.

The dokoh.

The dokoh.

I quite like this one.

I quite like this one.

I love the intricate metalwork in the dokoh, and I started thinking how I could translate it into a pattern. So I doodled away, came up with a few I quite liked, and chose this one for this month’s freebie.


I hope you like it as much as I do, and I hope that it brightens up your day, even if for a fraction of a second. In the current world we live in, we try and find warmth in the tiniest sliver of sunshine.

You’ll find the links below. As always, these files are for personal use only.




Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar 

Wallpaper Wednesday: Strings

There is a restaurant nearby that we used to frequent pretty regularly, even before we moved to the neighbourhood. In fact, we’d been going there for more than eleven years (with a bit of a hiatus in the middle, when we were out of the country). It was a small and cozy little place, with warm lighting and orange-upholstered booths that could comfortably seat a group of four (or up to six, if we all squish in).

The staff were friendly, and always greeted us with a smile. They used to tease the kiddo, and occasionally he would get a complimentary ice cream, much to his delight.

They had a pizza station at the back, which was the kiddo’s favourite spot; he enjoyed watching the uncle make pizzas, and afterwards he would pretend, using his hankie and imaginary toppings, to make his own. Their food was good and never disappointed. I rarely strayed from my usual choices (the black pepper beef udon, ginger beef kuey teow, or Indonesian fried rice), but on those times when I felt like trying other items on the menu, they were usually just as tasty. When my sweet tooth called out for attention, I would have their hot banana pancakes, which were more crepes than pancakes, but sinfully delicious either way.

We were there for dinner back in January 2019 2020. The booths were all occupied so we sat at a table at the back, near the cashier. As we were having dinner, I spotted what looked like a rack, or a piece of furniture, which had twine zigzagging across it, held taut by upholstery tacks. I was doing the #30DayChallenge then, and used that as inspiration for my pattern the next day. I named the pattern simply, “Strings”.

The restaurant is still there, but it’s been recently revamped. They’ve refurbished the place, changed the menu, and changed their name. The orange booths have been replaced, and they’ve done up the place in sophisticated shades of grey (if memory serves me right). We’ve been there once since they reopened, and they’ve changed their staff, too. Despite the menu change, their food is still delicious. We’ll probably eat there again some day, but it won’t be the same. It no longer has that neighbourhood cafe ambience that made it so cozy. And it no longer has hot banana pancakes.

But I guess I still have this pattern :-)

And I’ve decided to make it available to you as this month’s freebie.

Strings_All Devices_1200px.jpg
Strings_iPad trio_1200px.jpg
Strings_iPhone trio_1200px.jpg

That dinner last year was perhaps the last time we were there before Covid turned our lives upside down, and before the refurbishment. Although the pattern itself looks nothing like the place or even the rack that inspired it, it will always remind me of orange booths, a pizza station, and hot banana pancakes.

I hope you like this month’s freebie. It may not remind you of a beloved haunt, but I hope it brightens up your day in some other way.

Enjoy! :-)

*As always, these are for personal use only.


Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar 

Wallpaper Wednesday: Prickly Plants

It’s that time of the year again, when I find myself drenched and dripping in sweat just moments after stepping out of the shower. When the earth is parched and I can almost hear it screaming out for rain. When I look up at the sky and am immediately blinded by the bright, bright rays of the sun, bouncing off the clouds. When the days seem to get longer and it’s still too hot to be playing outside after 5pm. When the laundry dries to a crisp if I leave it out for too long. 

It’s that time of the year again. 

It was the scorching heat that inspired this month’s wallpaper design; it reminded me of some cacti and succulent doodles that I’d done a few years ago. I did it back in 2017, when I was following a line drawing tutorial by Peggy Dean, of the Pigeon Letters. When it came to giving the doodles some colour, I thought to myself, these are supposed to be green. Maybe a pop of red here and a bit of yellow there. But mostly green. 

How boring. 

I took out my paintbox and looked at the neatly arranged little squares of gorgeous rainbow colours, glistening like jewels in a treasure chest. I had to use them. I had to use them all.

And so I did. 

Cacti_Sketchbook 1_2000px.jpg
Cacti_Sketchbook 2_2000px.jpg

I painted them green and blue and purple, transforming them into plants you imagine you’d find in the underwater garden of a mermaid. Some I painted in red and orange and emerald green; the colours of a lush tropical rainforest. Others I clothed in pinks and purples, with a touch of indigo, and they became almost spring-like; the kind of spring you’d see if Mother Nature had turned up the contrast and saturation. 

I had fun doing it, but then I moved on to my next practice session, my next tutorial, and left the whimsical succulents sitting quietly in my sketchbook. I almost forgot I had them, had it not been for the confluence of the weather and the search for ideas for this month’s wallpaper. 

So now they’re here; resurrected, given a new lease of life. Waiting to adorn your phones and iPads and computer screens. 

Prickly Plants_all devices_2000px.jpg
Prickly Plants_iPad & iPhone_2000px.jpg

I can’t offer you a tall glass of ice-cold water to beat the heat, but I can give you a collection of whimsical, pretty little desert plants to cool the eyes. :-)


* As always, these are for personal use only.

Prickly Plants

Mobile: iPhone // Android

iPad: Pro 11” // Pro 12.9” // Others

Laptop: MacBook Pro 13” // MacBook Pro 13” with calendar // MacBook Pro 15” // MacBook Pro 15” with calendar

Desktop: iMac 27” // iMac 27” with calendar 

Wallpaper Wednesday: Gong Xi, Gong Xi

Is it already February?!? Gosh how quickly time does fly... which means... time to refresh your wallpaper!

This month I have a little bonus: you get two free wallpapers! Since Chinese New Year is just around the corner, I thought it’d be nice to have a little theme going on. The first wallpaper, “Gong Xi”, is a repeat pattern featuring traditional Chinese knots. The second option, “Peonies”, still sticks to the overall theme, but would also suit those who don’t celebrate Chinese New Year, or just prefer floral designs in general. 

I’ve made the calendar version available in both wallpapers (desktop and laptop versions), so really, you have four options! 

Gong Xi Peonies_All Devices w Title.jpg
Gong Xi Peonies_All Devices2 w Title.jpg
Gong Xi Peonies_All Devices3 w Title.jpg
Gong Xi Peonies_iPhones.jpg
Gong Xi Peonies_iPads.jpg

It’s still a crazy and scary (not to mention depressing) world out there, and this year’s CNY celebration will be pretty low key, I’m sure. A new wallpaper won’t replace a reunion dinner, but if it can brighten up your day for even a few moments, then why not?

The files can be downloaded below.



As always, the wallpapers are meant for personal use only. 


Wallpaper Wednesday: Seven, Eight, Lay Them Straight

Happy new year!

I hope the first few days of 2021 have treated you well - or at least marginally better than the train wreck that was 2020. How was your new year’s eve? Ours was spent quietly at home, doing nothing much. I think I was reading in bed when the clock struck midnight, and everyone else in the house was fast asleep. We went on a short staycation in the city over the new year’s weekend, but apart from that, it’s been pretty much like any other day in this pandemic-stricken world of ours.

This time last year, I’d dived into a 30-day pattern challenge, with all the gusto and optimism a (normal) new year typically brings. No such resolutions or challenges this year. It isn’t that I’ve lost all hope, or that I’m walking around shrouded in a dark melancholic veil of doom and gloom (although there are those moments...); I’m just being realistic about the amount of time I will have this year. With the pandemic (still) wreaking havoc over our daily lives, who knows what the year will be like. We’ll just have to take it one day at at time. 

So enough with being sombre... let’s add some colour to our lives! Since it’s a new year and all, it’s a good time to refresh our device wallpapers and screensavers, don’t you think?

SevenEight_All Devices.jpg

This month’s wallpaper freebie is one of my favourite patterns from last year’s 30-Day Challenge - SevenEightLayThemStraight. What I like most about it is the colour palette. The muted blues work well with the pastel grey, yellows and peach, and it just makes me feel... calm. I also like how the lines are wonky and uneven but neatly arranged - perhaps a metaphor for this new year? If 2020 was the year that upended our lives and left all its pieces in a jumbled heap on the floor, perhaps this year we’ll be able to pick everything up, little by little, and slowly arrange it in a way that makes sense to us. 

We can only hope. 

Oh, and I’ve added a little bonus this year - a monthly calendar! The desktop and laptop wallpapers now come in two versions: with or without the current month calendar. Hope you like it!

As always, these wallpapers are for private use only.



Wallpaper Wednesday: Exhale

Can you believe it’s already December?!? Time flies when we’re battling a pandemic, huh?

It’s been a rough and crazy year for each and every one of us, no matter our situation in life. Lockdown, semi-lockdown, working from home, not being able to work at all, homeschooling, travel restrictions, not meeting our loved ones as often as we’d like, little to zero social life... the pandemic has affected us in one way or another; nobody’s immune. 

So sometimes we need to remind ourselves to breathe in...

... and exhale

When the world outside is so ugly, sometimes it helps to have something pretty to look at. And since a lot of us are now increasingly tethered to our devices, maybe changing up our wallpapers and screensavers would be a nice distraction. It won’t kill the virus, solve our water woes, or save us from global warming, but if it brings a tiny bit of happiness when your screen lights up, why not?

Exhale_All Devices.jpg

I designed this pattern way back in January, when we were still on a new year celebration high, and the ink was still wet on that list of 2020 resolutions. Our lives were still normal and hadn’t been upended and scattered all over the place like beads on a marble floor. Do you still remember what life was like back then? 


Exhale was part of my 30-Day Challenge, where I tried (and succeeded, yay!) to design one pattern a day for the month of January. I designed the tile in Procreate, then vectorised it and brought it over to Adobe Illustrator so I could make a pattern and scale it up without any issues. (I didn’t think ahead when I made this and the Procreate canvas I used wasn’t big enough, otherwise it would’ve been possible to create the pattern in Procreate itself or with Photoshop. But hey, you learn from your mistakes 😄). 

I haven’t done any tiled patterns since then. I remember having a lot of fun doing it, so maybe I should create more. Adds an item to laundry list of things to do in 2021.

Alrighty then, enough of me blabbering; time for you to download your December freebie* and brighten up your devices. Links are below, as usual.



*For personal use only.

Introducing: Wallpaper Wednesday

If you like to change up your tech wallpapers and screensavers every so often, and if you like some of my patterns and artwork, then you may like…

Wallpaper Wednesdays!

On the first Wednesday of every month, one of my designs will be available as a free downloadable for you to use as a wallpaper or screensaver for your phone, iPad/tablet, laptop, and/or desktop. (For personal use only)

To kick things off, let me introduce…

Vitamin C!

Vitamin C_All devices_1200.jpg
Vitamin C_iPhone_1200.jpg
Vitamin C_iPad_1200.jpg

This pattern began as a random watercolour doodle in my sketchbook a couple of years ago. I had just gotten my hands on a set of Dr Ph Martins liquid watercolours, and I was trying them out. The doodles stayed in my sketchbook until recently, when I felt a bit uninspired and started leafing through my old sketchbooks. I found the sketch, and decided to practice making a seamless repeat pattern in Photoshop.

Orange Slices Sketch.jpg

Vitamin C is a fresh, fruity, and sunny pattern, which will brighten up a gloomy day (we’ve been having a lot of those lately).

I hope you like it, and I hope it’ll make you smile :-)


Freebie: Merdeka Hibiscus Mobile and Desktop Wallpapers

It was Merdeka Day, so I attempted a loose painting of a hibiscus in my sketchbook to mark the occasion. It turned out better than I expected, and I liked it so much that I didn’t want to just leave it hidden in my sketchbook. I also didn’t want to bring my sketchbook around with me and keep opening to the page with the hibiscus painting every so often because err… I’m not that crazy. Not yet, at least.

So I created a wallpaper for my phone, instead.


Then I thought to myself, “we need things to be coordinated”, so I created wallpapers for my iPad, my laptop, and my iMac as well.


And because my 4-year old tells me that “sharing is caring”, I’ve decided to make these wallpapers available to you, too! If you like the Merdeka Hibiscus as much as I do, or if you’d just like to change up your tech backgrounds, or if you want to dress up your phone/tablet/computer in time for Malaysia Day, feel free to download any - or all - of the wallpapers below.*


*For personal use only.